Monday, April 25, 2005

The Party's Over...Time to Call It A Day!

'K folks, we've come to a close on the party. Time to vote on the Bloggies. Or send in your papers. Or make sure I have your papers by 6:00 PM on Wednesday.

It's been real, it's been fun. We'll see if it's been real fun.

Don't forget...class on Monday night. We'll wrap up some loose ends. Let me know if you're still having problems with your web site.

It's Blogdelirium Blow Out Time!!!!

Ok, folks...Here we go! Don't forget to nominate your favorite site, most improved site and silliest site here later. Could be The Evil Doctor has something in store for next week's class.

Also, a word to all bloggers...It's come to my attention that some of you are being real porky at certain sites, leaving negative postings. My mom always said, "If you can't say anything nice, move on." Or, in the words of Buddha (I know it's somewhere in those Zen texts...), "If you leave bad karma, you get bad karma in return." The idea is to learn how to write and think in the blogosphere, not to create "blog rage."

Papers are due by Wednesday at 6:00 PM.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Two New Sections for Fall 2005: Writer's Mind and Writing, Research, Technology

These just added!

Writer's Mind 1501 401 03, T/Th 4:45-6 with Dr. Deb Martin
Bunce 104

Writing, Research, Technology 1501 301 03 with Prof Roberta Reavey

Tues 3:15-4:30 Bozorth 27
Thurs 3:15-4:30 Hawthorn 104
(Note the split schedule here!)

You have until THIS COMING MONDAY 4/25 to register for fall. Also, an extended registration period runs from JULY 11-26.

If you or any of your friends in the program need a section of either class, sign up NOW! Don't wait until July...remember, transfer students will be signing up in June.

Hope this helps those of you who have been shut out of a section of either course.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

New Blog Idea for Writing Arts Department...

I need your help, folks. We think the department needs a better way to keep everyone up to date with items as well as to have a better feedback mechanism. I proposed a blog. Folks seem interested in this at the departmental level. But, here's where I need your help....

What sort of things do you think students need to have updates on, or features that will keep them checking the blog. You all know the power of blogs, so let me know here what our department blog needs to be successful. I'll take your ideas, put them forward, and build the blog in a couple of weeks. So, if you have a free moment (and yes, I know I ask you all to do things at the worst possible time...happens to me, too), can you respond here and tell me what you think the department needs on its blog to get students information, and to get student feedback.

Otherwise, we're getting close to the Blogdelirium Blow Out Bash...get your blogs in order!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Correction on the Web Site Due Date...

Thanks to Jennifer N, who reads the syllabus more carefully than I do this time of year, the URLs for your websites are due on Monday May 9 by 6:00PM, not Monday May 2.
This should help many of you with your time management.

Thanks, Jenn, for checking on my error. Everyone should be very happy that you're on the case reading the syllabus! I know I am.

Blogdelirium Blow Out: End of Semester Big Bash

Here are the rules

1. Blogging papers are turned in BY Wednesday night, April 27, at 6:00PM. That gives you enough time to add any final thoughts from the Blow Out blog party. Make sure I have yor blog papers by April 27 by 6:00PM. Yes, that means you can still hand in the paper on the 25th if you'd like.

2. NO PRESENTATION on the 25th. Instead, we have one last round of blogging as a group. You've all made the argument quite well that rather than presenting at this stage, you'd rather make one more blog party to see what has been updated.

3. You have to invite ONE friend, not from class, to blog with us. That outside person has to visit THREE sites, NOT including yours, and leave posts.

And yes, you still have a final website due the following Monday (as it is your "final exam"). You need to send me your URL (the web address where your site is located) by 6:00PM. I will review your sites as they come in and give grades.

You can pick up your blog papers anytime during the first week in May, Monday-Thursday from 4-6PM.

If you'd like, once I have everyone's web site address, I can post them here as links so everyone can visit. Just let me know.

Hope this clarifies people's concerns and helps them set their schedules for the last week and a half of class. We'll go over this again in class on Monday night, and you'll always be able to visit here and recheck the requirements.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Presentations Have Been Voted Off The Island!

Ok, ok...I'll look at the syllabus and see what we can do to have a final blog party. But, and I do mean BUT, you all have to be a workin' on those blogs...make 'em pretty, make 'em funny, give us something new.

One other thing. A couple of you said you might continue to blog if your friends got involved. Since anyone can blog from anywhere, I want everyone to invite one friend, significant other, relation, or person off the street to "crash the Blog Party"!

After all, what's a party if someone doesn't crash it? You have to invite someone NOT from class to tag along from his or her own computer and blog at least 3 sites that are not YOURS! You have the list. I'll repost the list next week.

So, if I remember correctly, April 26 was supposed to be the night everyone presented his or her blog, right? I'll check the syllabus and post this weekend on what we'll call "Blogdelirium Blow-Out: The End of Semester Blog Bash."

Stay Tuned....

Monday, April 11, 2005

Last Call...Blog Party Lights are Aflickerin'

You can continue to post if you want to, but the party's closing down for tonight.

What did you think of the Blog Party experience...other than we jammed Blogger pretty good a couple of times, and my equipment malfunctions early on didn't help. Would you do another Blog Party?

Let's hear some feedback sometime in the next couple of days. And, Jenn N, I'll have the papers done for class on Monday. I promise! I read your post....

And, don't forget Vikki!

Vikki's site got lost in the mix. My bad.

And, of course, here's Angel....


Visit Angel's site and post lots. He's nagging me over the phone!

Add One More Site to Visit!

This just in....

Sorry for the Technical Delays...Here are the Blog Sites!

Here are the listings for everyone's sites that I have. If your site isn't listed, it's because you didn't get the site to me.

Most sites are at Blogger, but some are not. Be sure to type these as they are listed. I'm on a Mac because my PC doesn't want to respond to Rowan's system. I'll keep trying to get the PC up and going.

Happy Blog Party!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

It's spring...So we'll throw a Blog Party!

Remember...Monday night is Blog Party night!

Here are the "rules" for our Blog Party....

1. EVERYONE needs to be somewhere blogging! I'll post the URLs for everyone's blog on Monday afternoon around 5PM, so nobody gets a head start. I think I have most everyone's blog, so if you still need to tweak to get that blog ready for Monday's adventure, better do so now! I've looked at all the blogs that have come in so far...Some look great, and others...well, you have a few hours left to get some stuff up there!

2. I'll be roaming the blogs and posting, too, during class like Santa Claus, I'll know if you're being naughty (by bagging the Blog Party) or nice (helping others do their papers on their blog). Who knows...there may be something in store for the person who gets lots of classmates to blog on his or her site...never know if something is up Santa's (oops, I mean The Evil Doctor's) sleeve. Those who aren't blogging will receive 1/2 letter grade deduction on their papers on blogging (and that's about the equivalent to an academic piece of coal). The Blog Party was the class's idea, so you need to participate!

3. Be sure to keep some notes about the Blog Party experience to put in your papers, which I believe are due soon...check your syllabus for a reminder.

4. Have fun! Be as outrageous on your blogs as you want to be. Or, be as serious and as scholarly as you want to be. Blogs are an extension of your persona, your online self. Remember, this is a Blog Party! We're supposed to have fun.

Check here tomorrow after 5PM for the blog addresses. Until then, blog on! I'll be in my office after 4:30 tomorrow, so if you need to see me or email me or phone me, you can find me. I'll be in my office throughout class time in case you run into problems blogging.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Lissa Explains it All -- HTML Help and Tutorial

Having problems getting your website up and going? Then, try this link!

Lissa Explains it All -- HTML Help and Tutorial for Kids

Thanks to Adria for sending me this information. Easy, and really good information!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

MSNBC - Blogging Beyond the Men's Club

A teacher friend of mine sent this. He thought you all might like to read how the mainstream press is talking about blogging. See what you think at

MSNBC - Blogging Beyond the Men's Club

Then, since we're talking about audience issues and other like topics when blog building, let us know how you respond to Levy's column: Is the blogosphere dominated by white males...?

Saturday, April 02, 2005

"The Great Debate" and Blogging

Ok, I hope everyone is set for Monday's "Great Debate." We'll debate the issues surrounding technology that Siva raised in his book (and including the issues like nanotech and other aspects that we've already covered in class)for an hour.

In the second half of the class, we're going to turn to developing your own blogs, so make sure you've read Part I of We Blog. Here are some things you should be thinking about if you haven't started working on your blog. Perhaps those of you who have been setting up your blogs might have ideas or comments to share. Please do.

1. What kind of blog do you want to have? Do you want to share stories about your day or some experiences (travel, schooling, so on)? Do you want to share expertise in an area where you excel (a hobby, perhaps)? Do you want to assert your individuality (rant, rave, yowl at the moon about particular issues you have with the world)? Do you want to chronicle an experience or an event so others can gain more insight?

2. Set some expectations for your blog. What are you willing to write about and what is off limits? Remember, we've talked about this before, and the book reiterates the same point, a potential employer might Google your name in the years ahead. Writing about that really cool party where you drank bongwater might be hysterical today, but could create problems in the future. Sketch out your expectations!

3. How much of your identity do you want to have online? Do you want to create a persona?

4. Think about the genre you'd like to write in...the book offers some ideas. What genre appeals to you as a writer?

Certainly you can test your ideas out with us. Twenty seven heads are often better than one. Those of you who have been blogging for a bit, let us in on your secrets for good blogging practices!

See you on Monday for The Great Debate!