"The Great Debate" and Blogging
Ok, I hope everyone is set for Monday's "Great Debate." We'll debate the issues surrounding technology that Siva raised in his book (and including the issues like nanotech and other aspects that we've already covered in class)for an hour.
In the second half of the class, we're going to turn to developing your own blogs, so make sure you've read Part I of We Blog. Here are some things you should be thinking about if you haven't started working on your blog. Perhaps those of you who have been setting up your blogs might have ideas or comments to share. Please do.
1. What kind of blog do you want to have? Do you want to share stories about your day or some experiences (travel, schooling, so on)? Do you want to share expertise in an area where you excel (a hobby, perhaps)? Do you want to assert your individuality (rant, rave, yowl at the moon about particular issues you have with the world)? Do you want to chronicle an experience or an event so others can gain more insight?
2. Set some expectations for your blog. What are you willing to write about and what is off limits? Remember, we've talked about this before, and the book reiterates the same point, a potential employer might Google your name in the years ahead. Writing about that really cool party where you drank bongwater might be hysterical today, but could create problems in the future. Sketch out your expectations!
3. How much of your identity do you want to have online? Do you want to create a persona?
4. Think about the genre you'd like to write in...the book offers some ideas. What genre appeals to you as a writer?
Certainly you can test your ideas out with us. Twenty seven heads are often better than one. Those of you who have been blogging for a bit, let us in on your secrets for good blogging practices!
See you on Monday for The Great Debate!
In the second half of the class, we're going to turn to developing your own blogs, so make sure you've read Part I of We Blog. Here are some things you should be thinking about if you haven't started working on your blog. Perhaps those of you who have been setting up your blogs might have ideas or comments to share. Please do.
1. What kind of blog do you want to have? Do you want to share stories about your day or some experiences (travel, schooling, so on)? Do you want to share expertise in an area where you excel (a hobby, perhaps)? Do you want to assert your individuality (rant, rave, yowl at the moon about particular issues you have with the world)? Do you want to chronicle an experience or an event so others can gain more insight?
2. Set some expectations for your blog. What are you willing to write about and what is off limits? Remember, we've talked about this before, and the book reiterates the same point, a potential employer might Google your name in the years ahead. Writing about that really cool party where you drank bongwater might be hysterical today, but could create problems in the future. Sketch out your expectations!
3. How much of your identity do you want to have online? Do you want to create a persona?
4. Think about the genre you'd like to write in...the book offers some ideas. What genre appeals to you as a writer?
Certainly you can test your ideas out with us. Twenty seven heads are often better than one. Those of you who have been blogging for a bit, let us in on your secrets for good blogging practices!
See you on Monday for The Great Debate!
I began my blog about two or three weeks ago. Although I probably didn't really need the help, I had my little brother guide me through the process of putting my blog page together. I decided to use Xanga, because that's the site that he uses, so I figured he could at least be one person to send me comments. I wasn't really sure what kind of a blog I wanted, I figured that I wanted something that expressed my personality, something that said who I was. So I decided to just center it around fashion, movies, and particular writings that I liked, and I would just go into detail on whatever subject it was that I picked for each particular post. I expect that I'll post probably once or twice a week, whenever I have the time to. I'm not going to have to worry about the issue of someone googling my name because I'm using a "stage name" my friend created for me back in highschool. I have great expectations for my blog, and I hope to try to keep it going after this class ends.
I think the hardest part of blogging was coming up with a topic. I knew I wanted to do something fun but I didn't want to post anything that could bute me in the butt later when I'm looking for a job. I think that I can up with an ok subject but I'm kind of running out of ideas.
I did have a few glitches with doing part on a mac and part on a pc. I have now just stuck to updating with the pc. The second hardest thing about blogging is to get non-bloggers to post comments. No one seems really sure how to do it. It takes more time to teach them then it takes to leave the comment.
Kelly Batten said...
I started my blog a while ago and wasn't sure at first if I was doing it correctly. Right now it seems more like an online journal to me, but hopefully the class will be able to post and make it work well. I'm trying to think of some good posts that will being good conversation throughout my blog. I am really starting to get into creating my blog. I make posts quite regularly, and am really enjoying adding pictures now. I think it a great idea to give your classmates an idea of who you are outside of the classroom.
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