Friday, January 27, 2006

When is memoir a lie?

One more scandal about memoir that probably tops James Frey's...the "Navahoax" story in the LA Weekly.

Yes, I know memoirists are supposed to be true to the story, but memory is a strange thing for most of us. And while Frey did make up a whole lot of stuff, as it seems Nasdijj did as well, when factual errors arise how much of this is someone's ego driving the fabrications or someone's distorted memory?

Perhaps a new genre needs to be developed: "The life I thought I had...or wished I had to sell this book" memoir.

Nan Talese maybe said it best (and I paraphrase because I only saw the Oprah clip, not the entire show): We believe this is a life based on the author's memory.

Some people just have really bad recall...

Anyway, the "Navahoax" story is a great one for those who are into memoir. Read the story at LAWeekly, below

LA Weekly


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