Blogdelirium Returns!

A new year, and I'm back! The fall semester was one of experimentation. I was heavily invested in trying out moodiling...and Moodilini was born!
For those unfamiliar with moodles, they're open source course management software packages. Moodilini is home at
While I'm kicking around the idea of moodling again this term, I missed Blogdelirium. For some reason, there isn't enough time in the day for me to moodle AND to blog...and write, teach, advise graduate students, read grad theses, and run a grant. Unless, of course, someone at my university's biological sciences department wants to try some cloning of a professor's cells. Not advocating mine, but I'm sure my department chair and dean might appreciate the effort.
Anyway, Blogdelirium has returned from its hiatus. Now for more coffee...
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